Q. Where can I stay that is nearby?

A. The short answer is:

  1. Visit the Stay in Melrose page of our website.
  2. Check out AirBnBs in the Melrose area. Here are two nearby places that we endorse:
    1. Melrose Bay Hideaway; and
    2. Bhakti House
  3. Campers: contact Pat Ward for authorization/suggestions.
Q. Could you please give me directions to the Dancing Fish? Google Maps shows it in the middle of an area with no roads and when we drove by that location we couldn’t spot it.
A. Visitors are requested to use the main entrance to The Dancing Fish situated at:

24800 SR-26, Melrose, FL 32666

Entrance to The Dancing Fish of Lake Santa Fe
Please use the main entrance to The Dancing Fish of Lake Santa Fe at 24800 SR-26, Melrose, FL 32666

There is a big broad gate open and a quarter mile of dirt track to reach the dance barn.

Where to stay in Melrose?

Q. Are there campgrounds near The Dancing Fish? Or inexpensive motels? Where do folks from out of town stay when they travel there to dance?

A. For a limited number of campers, nearby Santa Fe Lake Park is a convenient option.

Camping dancers, are also welcome to camp upon much of the 15 acres of The Dancing Fish — but get definitely approval first from Pat Ward <patward562@gmail.com> first.

Go to the Accommodations page of our website for a few suggestions. There you have suggestions and links to where you can check out AirBnBs in the Melrose area.

Where to Stay