Audacious is: Larry Unger Audrey Jayber Ben Jaber Glen Loper

Larry Unger & Audacious with caller Frannie Marr

Larry Unger and Audacious return on to The Dancing Fish 3-4 January 2024 with Frannie Marr calling.

Larry Unger has played guitar, banjo, and bass with many top bands for contra dances including Big Table, Notorious, Reckless Abandon, The Reckless Ramblers, Tempest and Uncle Gizmo. Larry has composed more than 5,000 tunes, many of which have been recorded by one of his bands or by other groups. His tunes are widely played at contra dances everywhere. His compositions and recordings have been featured in four different Ken Burns television documentaries. Larry Unger has been a full-time musician since 1984, and he has presented a diverse range of music at contra dances, Scottish and English country dances, waltz events, dance weekends, dance and music camps, festivals, coffee houses and concerts all across the United States.

Audacious is:

  • Larry Unger
  • Audrey Jaber
  • Ben Jaber
  • Glen Loper
Larry Unger

Listen to “Two Rivers” with Larry Unger & Ginny Snowe

 Frannie Marr calling at The Dancing Fish on 5 January 2024
Frannie Marr calling at The Dancing Fish on 5 January 2024

Frannie Marr is a caller, dance organizer, and dance gypsy residing in Southern California. Frannie draws on her experience as a dance gypsy to call dances that people like. Her hallmark is quick walkthroughs, efficient calling, and letting the dance and music flow whenever possible. Whether it’s a crowd of enthusiastic beginners or hard core “dancing fools”, Frannie’s calling delights with fun, flowy dances filled with a variety of moves.


  • Friday 7-10 pm
  • Saturday 12-3 pm
  • Saturday 6-9 pm

Admission Policy:

  • Masks are optional at The Dancing Fish. Dance mindfully and let’s all stay healthy together!
  • Under 18: Free (with adult); under 25: half price; Adults: You decide.
  • All donations go to cover costs of musicians, callers and sound tech.
  • Simply make your personal contribution here by PayPal or by credit card or debit card.
  • Select the drop-down category that applies to you and select your preferred means of payment.
  • That’s all there is to it. Make your donation and you are ‘in’. See you on the dance floor!

Note: There is still one bed left in the female dorm room at Bhakti House for January 3 & 4. Interested? Contact Janet Harazda <>.

Suggested Donation
  • Adults
    • 1st weekends: $15 per dance session or $30 for weekend pass
    • 3rd Saturdays: $10
  • Youth (under 26)
    • 1st weekends: $7.50 per dance session or $15 for weekend pass
    • 3rd Saturdays: $5
  • Children under 16 admitted free when accompanied by an adult
Make Your Donation Here:

More at:…/larry-unger-frannie-marr…/

Frannie Marr calls to Larry Unger & Audacious