Jamming outside The Dancing Fish
  • Contra dance events at The Dancing Fish are now being organized by a group of local volunteers.
  • The Dancing Fish is on a private residence where Proof of Vaccination is required for all in attendance, including dancers, artists, spectators and staff.
  • The Dancing Fish has been upgraded and now has thermal insulation, heating and air conditioning—so we can dance year-round!
  • Contra dances to be held the first weekend of every month featuring a national band & caller beginning February 4-6.
  • Third Saturday 7-10 pm dances also begin in February, except in April when Wild Asparagus will be playing all of the third weekend.
  • Admission to third Saturday dances is $10 ($5 for youth 18-25), and a weekend dance is $15 per dance or $30 for the weekend. Children accompanied by adults are admitted free.
Dancing again soon at The Dancing Fish