April 2022’s packed Calendar of Events
Dance with these great artists in April 2022.
April 2022 at The Dancing Fish saw a wave of not one, not two, but three contra dance weekends.
Of course, the ever-popular Wild Asparagus weekend is on everyone’s mind. And now booking is open for Wild Asparagus Weekend. But don’t let WAW overshadow the other great contra dance opportunities on offer this month at The Dancing Fish.
And booking is now OPEN for all three April weekends:
- April 1-3: Diane Silver and Party of Three
- April 15-17: George Marshall and Wild Asparagus
- April 29-30: Seth Tepfer with George Paul & friends
Calling all April Fools! Diane Silver is calling in Melrose!

Dance away this April 1-2-3 weekend with a big lift from Diane Silver of Ashville NC and Party of Three. Let you and your dance partners be whisked away to contra dance heaven on earth—all right here in Melrose, Florida at The Dancing Fish!
Where else would you rather dance away this April Fool’s weekend than at The Dancing Fish dancing to the likes of Diane Silver of Asheville, NC and musicians like Party of Three, where you can dance like a perfect fool—and no one will even notice?

Diane Silver will transport you to contra dance heaven in no time with her careful attention to dancers’ pace and progress, her ability to think on her feet and her clear, efficient teaching of higher-level dances. Attend even one contra dance session with Diane Silver and you will see why we invited her down!
Party of Three melds high energy and expressive Cape Breton & Scottish melodies with Latin, funky, and jazz grooves. Party of Three is:
- Neil Pearlman on piano & mandolin; and
- Katie McNally on fiddle; with
- Joe De Paolo on percussion.
- Friday April 1st: 7-10 pm
- Saturday April 2nd: 7-10 pm
- Sunday April 3rd: 12-3 pm
Three days of high-energy music and contra dancing with such premium out-of-state caller and musicians! Without The Dancing Fish, you’d have to travel to North Carolina or New England to find contra dance opportunities anywhere near as good as this.
And the price? Just thirty dollars for an entire adult weekend pass. Or just half price for youth ages 16-25. A single evening event costs $15. Or half that for youth ages 16-25.

Worth every cent and worth every mile that you drive to get to Melrose. Or come stay in Melrose for one or more of these lovely April weekends. We’d love to have you!
Questions? Ask us!
- Grounds: Pat Ward patward562@gmail.com
- Website: Patrick Harrigan events@dancingfish.dance