Online ticket booking

Fewer Steps — Faster Booking

Thanks to suggestions from dancers, your online booking experience just got faster and easier.

Online ticket booking

The whole booking process has been streamlined and is now much simpler.

  • Make combined bookings for couples (your and your vaccinated partner/guest)
  • Make combined donations — no need for both parties to donate/pay separately.
How to Book & Pay:
  1. First, sign in (or register) to make a booking.
  2. Make your booking on that event’s page.
  3. Then click on PayPal logo to pay for your booking by debit, credit card or PayPal.

Donate for any First Weekend Dance
  • Friday 7-10 pm
  • Saturday 7-10 pm
  • Sunday 12-3 pm

Donate for any First Weekend Dance

“Bookings are (NOT) closed for this event”

If you see “Bookings closed” on an event page, disregard it. All events 3+ months out are now OPEN for bookings.

Questions? Booking issues? PayPal problems? Contact for quick relief!

Faster, Easier Online Booking