Covid virus

Vaccination requirement dropped for Dancing Fish events

All Covid restrictions have been dropped as of June 2023

The following text reflects the old policy. Read about the newly relaxed Covid policy.

Proof of Vaccination required for all at Dancing Fish events. If possible, please register and pay online. Dr. Joe Rush, January 2022
Proof of Vaccination required for all at Dancing Fish events. If possible, please register and pay online. Dr. Joe Rush, January 2022

Proof of Vaccination required for all at Dancing Fish events.

Do not attend if you experience COVID or flu-like symptoms!

If possible, please register and pay online.

Joe Rush, M.D. reminds us that:

The Covid policy at The Dancing Fish remains unchanged.

  • Registration and Proof of Vaccination are required.
  • Masks are optional.
  • Do not attend if you have either COVID or flu-like symptoms. We don’t want to spread colds or flu, let alone COVID.
Our COVID Policy has changed
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