Expect changes “in the near future”
Changes are coming to weekend dances at The Dancing Fish. Joe Rush is seriously considering moving Sunday dances to Saturday afternoon according to Joe Rush who says, “we expect to be changing the schedule in the near future.”
In an effort to encourage attendance while also reducing the carbon footprint of our big-ticket weekend events, Joe sees moving Sunday afternoon dances to Saturday. This would mean:
- fewer commutes for out of town dancers attending multiple dances
- more dance action on Saturdays — including more open waltz opportunities
- out of state artists & dancers can return home leisurely on Sundays

“I think we might move future Sunday afternoon dances to Saturday soon, but I think we should ask for input from our dancers.”
-Joe Rush
Your feedback appreciated
Do you like the idea of moving Sunday dances to Saturday afternoons? Or is it problematic for some people? Either way, let Joe know. Tell him what you think by writing to JoeRushMD@iCloud.com.