Will Mentor calling at Glen Echo Park
Will Mentor calling at Glen Echo Park

This weekend: Will Mentor & The Old-Time Superstars

“Just arrive early and no one with proof of vaccination will be turned away.” —Joe Rush

Online Booking or Payment issues? Let us help you!

Note from The Dancing Fish editor and website developer Patrick Harrigan.

Kindly bear with us while we develop this novel online registration-booking-payment system with so many ways to make it fall short of everyone’s expectations!

Proof of Vaccination required for all at Dancing Fish events
Proof of Vaccination required for all at Dancing Fish events

“Just arrive early and no one with proof of vaccination will be turned away.”

Joe Rush

Firstly, (and this is from Joe Rush) “No one should worry about booking. Even if they could not fully register or book or donate/pay online, just arrive early and no one will be turned away.

They’re coming this week! Will Mentor & The Old-Time Superstars are coming to sunny Florida for a weekend of concerts with contra and square dances too, called by Will Mentor. And The Dancing Fish is doing everything to make this weekend finally happen—and happen safely.

Caller Will Mentor
Caller Will Mentor


  • Will Mentor calling
  • Sam Bartlett on banjo
  • Paula Bradley on guitar
  • Sami Braman on fiddle
  • Abby Ladin on bass

See what’s changed at The Dancing Fish

The Dancing Fish is exploring innovative new ways for the contra dance community to return to contra dancing year-round—safely and as soon as possible. Since last summer, workers have installed eight powerful heat pumps, along with thermal insulation covered with wood paneling. You will like it.

Powerful heat pumps have been added to cool (or heat) The Dancing Fish—which is now fully insulated, too.

COVID-19 is now endemic. It is here to stay, folks. Its variants like delta and omicron have made it imperative that—together as a dance community—we work together to get through this.

Proof of Vaccination required for all at Dancing Fish events
Proof of Vaccination required for all at Dancing Fish events

How you can be a part of this effort

  • Get vaccinated.
  • Subscribe to Dancing Fish newsletter.
  • Register once with proof of vaccination.
  • Stay home if you exhibit any symptoms.
  • Wear an N-95 type mask whenever possible.
  • Practice social distancing when possible.
  • Encourage others to do the same.

Sure, you can find other venues that offer contra dancing even in this Covid era. But only The Dancing Fish does all this to make your contra dance experience both memorable and safe. How? For starts, we are doing it by:

  1. building the best-ventilated indoor dance venue anywhere featuring:
    • eight powerful (new) heat pumps to cool (or heat) the barn;
    • a 16′ overhead fan that moves air at a constant 10 mph; and
    • six massive barn doors may also be opened for additional ventilation.
  2. instituting and enforcing a ‘Vaccinated-Only’ policy for all on site.
  3. developing DancingFish.dance and its newsletter as online resources where dancers may not only stay informed and up to date, but even (once registered) book and pay for events in advance.

Having problems booking?

Have you been having difficulties with online registration and/or payment? If so, you are probably not alone. We have never before tried to design, build or troubleshoot such a customized interactive website before as this website. So don’t be surprised and don’t despair. We are learning as we go along.

So if ever the booking or payment system do not seem to be working properly, contact us. Specifically, contact Patrick Harrigan who is responsible for the website. In fact, we need your feedback, especially for this. Contact Patrick and he will fix it or walk you through all the steps to fix the issue.

Steps to register & book tickets

  1. Ticket booking is open only to those who register with Dancing Fish. So get yourself registered if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Event bookings currently open one week only before an event begins.
  3. You must first be fully vaccinated & registered.
  4. Go to the event page, here Will Mentor with The Old-Time Superstars.
  5. One ticket only per person/email ID (everyone does her or his own booking).
  6. Select your booking category and send your booking.
  7. You donation for your booking may be made using the Send Your Booking button below.
  8. You will be taken to the PayPal account of The Dancing Fish.
  9. Your donation/payment goes directly to The Dancing Fish PayPal account.
Need technical support? Send email to Dancing Fish Technical Support
This weekend: Will Mentor & The Old-Time Superstars

Patrick Harrigan

An avid contra dancer, Patrick Harrigan is also a photographer, editor, and website publisher.

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