Booking opens for Will Mentor & The Old-Time Superstars

[Melrose, Friday Jan 28] At long last—pending safer conditions anticipated with the omicron variant fast receding—online booking for Will Mentor & The Old-Time Superstars is now OPEN!!
At the time of release, Dr. Rush deems conditions in the wake of the recent omicron crest to be sufficient mitigated to the extent that the band is committed to fly down and we are committed to host a Covid-mitigated contra and square dances or—at the very least—some stirring live concerts.
Translation: Yes, The Dancing Fish is at this time still committed to hosting Will Mentor and The Old-Time Superstars—again, with caveats.
- First of all, The Dancing Fish is a part of a private residence. Anyone who is healthy and fully vaccinated is welcome—provided that on either:
- Register online here with CDC-issued COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card; or
- Come early each time carrying that CDC-issued COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card
- Secondly, show or know of no symptoms of Covid-19 nor recent exposure to Covid.
- You must be on our list of registered ticket holders to enter—or produce Proof of Vaccination card each time.
- N-95 type masks are recommended but optional while outdoors and indoors for performers including dancers, musicians, caller, sound technicians.
Squares & Contras with The Old-Time Superstars

- Will Mentor calling
- Sam Bartlett on banjo
- Paula Bradley on guitar
- Sami Braman on fiddle
- Abby Ladin on bass
How to book tickets
- Ticket booking is open only to those who register with Dancing Fish. So get yourself registered if you haven’t already done so.
- Event bookings currently open one week only before an event begins.
- You must first be fully vaccinated & registered.
- Go to the event page, here Will Mentor with The Old-Time Superstars.
- One ticket only per person/email ID (everyone does her or his own booking).
- Select your booking category and send your booking.
- You donation for your booking may be made using the Send Your Booking button below
- You will be taken from DancingFish.dance to the PayPal account of The Dancing Fish (Joseph Rush).
- Your payment/donation goes directly to The Dancing Fish PayPal account.
A newly remodeled Dancing Fish is ready to debut shortly…

Booking now open for 4-6 Feb weekend